Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson

I will say this a million times.

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Edenbrook by Julianne Donaldson is a fantastic book.  I laughed, I cried, and my heart pounded with anticipation.  The clean romance was cute, incredible, and oh-so-fun.  I read the book at least a dozen times, emphasizing my favorite parts, until my library use period had expired.  This book needs to find it’s way on my bookshelf.  Pronto.

When Donaldson’s newest book, Blackmoore hit the shelves, I requested my copy right away.



When Kate learns that her budding friendship with her almost-suitor is unsupported by his family, she goes to great lengths to prove that she will never marry.  A trip to India becomes her sure ticket to escape when she learns that he has been bethroved to a lady of his mother’s choosing.  Kate’s mother gives her permission to pack her bags and flee to India – with one condition –  she must reject three proposals within a short period of time.  Once again, I found my heart pounding in excitement.  The characters are addictive.  I want more of their story.  And the romance?  It deserves a major A++.